Lecture 10/4/13 – Smolensk Air Crash 10/4/10 FACTS

Lecture – Smolensk Air Crash 10/4/10 Facts

Po polsku poniżej

This is a lecture by Dr Marek Laskiewicz, Head of PANO, about the Smolensk Air Crash, which occured on the 10th of April 2010, where the Polish President Kaczynski as well as 95 others died.  It will be held on Wednesday the 10th of April 2013 in the Handley Page Room at 4 Hamilton Place, London W1J 7BQ, which is the headquarters of the Royal Aeronautical Society. Please note that Dr Marek Laskiewicz is an Affiliate of the Royal Aeronautical Society.
This lecture will present the key undisputed public facts, new and old, which unfortunately lead to the conclusion that a bomb was responsible because only this explanation is compatible with these facts. Moreover during the last 3 years more and more questions have arisen casting doubt on the Russian explanation (stated minutes after the crash and expanded on in their report) that this was purely caused by pilot error. The lecture itself will start at 7.30pm, though there will also be another lecture beforehand about the History of Polish Aviation at 6.30pm, which you are also welcome to attend; both lectures are of course free.
The key undisputed public fact about the Smolensk Air Crash is that the plane broke into literally hundreds of pieces with the loss of all aboard when it hit the ground; however the consequent analysis is that this cannot have been solely due to the crash itself because the plane was flying slowly at a very low altitude as it was trying to land and because the ground itself was wet mud. No plane has ever been so utterly destroyed as a result of such a crash; moreover this was a Russian plane (recently refitted in Russia), which was strongly built. Indeed no comparatively-weak birch tree could have caused the loss of part of the wing, which in any case landed too far away and on the wrong side. Nor could a plane weighing almost a hundred tons have made a half roll in such a situation, being in any case too close to the ground for that. It follows that while the fog might have contributed to the crash, it cannot explain the subsequent extraordinary damage the plane and its passengers suffered (it and their bodies were torn apart). All this can be proved scientifically since the physical parameters cannot be altered.
In any case the Russian report is self-contradictory, e.g. the duration of the black box conversations as transcribed by the Russians exceeds the actual length of the tape. The Polish report criticised it; but as the Russians did not provide over a hundred documents, the original black boxes and the aircraft, and as this criticism was deliberately ignored by the current Polish regime – the rest of the world ignored all this (a second Katyn in this respect). Nor did the Russians carry out their duties satisfactorily, e.g. they notoriously put the wrong bodies in the coffins, which upset many Poles – although the current Polish regime insists they did.
Please do bear in mind that a EU and NATO Head of State as well as many military personnel died in this crash, which automatically compromises every country’s security. So it is surely at least worth listening briefly to a lecture about this instead of assuming that all is well in Eastern Europe – please note that World War 1, World War 2 and the Cold War all started over there.

This conclusion implies that Russia is again trying to expand her control and influence, hence President (then Premier) Putin’s recent modernisation of her nuclear bombs. This may lead to a confrontation with the West resulting in a crisis, maybe over Ukraine or North Korea, which may escalate out of control into a military conflict, and so possibly eventually World War 3. Moreover every country is threatened with destruction second only to Poland (the most likely initial battlefield), so ought at least to listen to this possibility.
This conclusion also implies that the current Polish regime is in fact communistish, being under Russia’s control. It would have been otherwise impossible for Russia not only to place the bomb but also to cover this up afterwards e.g. this Polish regime left the entire investigation in the hands of the Russians, something your country in similar circumstances would not have considered for a moment, let alone permitted. In effect the Polish communists (SLD) retained control via the collaborators (PO) by decapitating the non-communist leadership (PiS) at Smolensk (so this was again akin to Katyn). Indeed they had controlled Poland directly or via collaborators since 1990, albeit having had to abandon their ideology then, at least overtly; this was in turn only possible because unfortunately Lech Walesa did not jump over the wall of the Gdansk Shipyard in August 1980 but was actually a collaborator, who later helped the communists retain control in the early 1990s.

Please note that Dr Marek Laskiewicz am a member of many Polish organisations here, so weighs his words about Poland with care – and in this case with regret. In particular he is the Secretary General of the Polish Society of Arts and Sciences Abroad, the Polish Royal Society here, and as Head of PANO has recently given lectures about Polish achievements (see www.pwwb.co.uk [1]).
This important lecture will take place on the third anniversary of the Smolensk Air Crash. Anone who wishes to come should email info@pwwb.co.uk stating to which lecture they would like to come as the number of places is limited.

 Wykład – Fakty of Katastrofie pod Smoleńskiem 10.IV.2010

Jeżeli chcielibyście wziąć udział we wykładzie związany z katastrofą smoleńską, prosimy o wysłanie zgłoszeń do mnie lub do naszego Sekretarza Jakuba Kosiec (email wpwb@pwwb.co.uk), ponieważ ilość miejsc jest ograniczona.
> W dniu 10 kwietnia 2013, w trzecią rocznicę katastrofy pod Smoleńskiem, gdzie zginął Prezydent Lech Kaczyński i 95 innych Polaków, w większości patriotów na ważnych stanowiskach, w godzinach 19:30 – 20:30 odbędzie się wykład zorganizowany przez PANO, czyli Polską Akademię Naukową na Obczyźnie (zob. www.pwwb.co.uk). Ten wykład będzie poprowadzony przez dr Marka Laskiewicza w Royal Aeronautical Society w Londynie, największą i najważniejszą instytucję lotniczą na świecie. Ambasady, naukowcy, posłowie, milordowie, dziennikarze i specjaliści zostali zaproszeni na to wydarzenie. Cel wykładu jest uświadomienie obywateli i elit Wielkiej Brytanii, iż fakty wykazują, że przyczyną katastrofy smoleńskiej była bomba, którą podłożyli Rosjanie z pomocą kolaboranckiego polskiego reżimu. Celem tego aktu było rozpoczęcie procesu ponownego przejęcia kontroli nad Polską. Kontynuacją tego jest seria mordów przeciwników w Polsce i Rosji, które były pozornymi samobójstwami. W ten sposób Rosja ze swoimi odnowionymi bombami nuklearnymi rozszerza swoje wpływy, co może doprowadzić do niebezpiecznego kryzysu dla Polski, Wielkiej Brytanii oraz reszty świata.
O godzinie 18:30, w tym samym miejscu, odbędzie się wykład o historii polskiego lotnictwa. Adres: 4 Hamilton Place, London W1J 7XQ.
> Wszystkich zainteresowanych udziałem w wykładzie lub chętnych do wspomożenia naszej działalności prosimy o kontakt pod adresem marek.laskiewicz@pwwb.co.uk lub pod numerem telefonu 07969408335.